Beaucoup à dire sur Under the wave - notre suite d'oeuvres créée pour le Domaine de Saint-Ser en réponse à la beauté crue du site et à l'histoire (géologique et humaine) qui marque ce vignoble au pied de la Sainte Victoire... Mais on va tenter de laisser parler les images.
Who needs Cézanne when you've got gethan&myles? That's almost certainly what Mme Guichot the lovely owner of the Domaine Saint Ser said when she asked us to create works for this stunning vineyard at the foot of Mont Sainte Victoire. The result is Under the wave: a suite of four sculptures that respond to this harshly beautiful landscape, the wine that it yields and the history (both human and geological) that has sculpted it. There's a lot to say about these works, but it's probably best saved for a late night and a bottle of their Cuvée de l'Hermite...
All this is ahead of you, all this is behind you / fin #3
Plexi et pierre sèche; cadran solaire calé sur le solstice de l'été, montjoie, flèche / Perspex and dry stone; sun dial set on the summer solstice, cairn, arrow
I'd take a happiness that didn't last over a certainty that did / nid #3
Pieds de vigne (plantés 1955) et sarments de vigne (taillés déc 2014) / Vines (planted 1955) and vine shoots (pruned dec 2014)
The illusion of empathy (en cours)
Calcaire et poudingue; coupés, polis et insérés dans restanque / Limestone and puddingstone; cut, polished and inserted into dry-stone terrace-wall / Merci laurent&jimmy&un-mur-ailleurs
Upwards falling
Plexi, bois, peinture, ciel, lumière / Perspex, wood, paint, sky, light